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Natural Medicine Solutions for Menopause

"So many women I've talked to see menopause as an ending. But I've discovered this is your moment to reinvent yourself after years of focusing on the needs of everyone else. It's your opportunity to get clear about what matters to you and then to pursue that with all of your energy, time and talent." 

— Oprah Winfrey

Transitioning through to menopause can be a challenging time. Whilst it can feel scary, know that you’re not alone. There are a myriad of natural support solutions available that can help you to manage difficult symptoms, and turn this time into an exciting, bracing and health-enhancing journey. 

A combination of a healthy diet and lifestyle, herbs, supplements and holistic health treatments, can naturally reduce the severity of symptoms during the menopause and enhance your overall health and wellbeing. It is important to assess your individual needs and develop a tailored plan to provide you with the best outcome. 

Many women going through menopause may experience hot flushes, hair loss, vaginal dryness, low mood, weight gain, brain fog, anxiety and difficulties with sleep, to name a few.

Hormone therapy has been the primary treatment for menopausal symptoms. However, because of the health risks associated with hormone therapy, many women cannot or choose not to use hormone therapy. Approximately 51% of women use natural medicine and more than 60% perceive it be effective for menopausal symptoms. 1

There is a lot natural medicine can do to reduce symptoms of menopause. From mind-body practices (hypnosis, CBT, relaxation, biofeedback, meditation, aromatherapy), to natural products (herbs, vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements), and whole-system approaches (traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology, acupuncture, homeopathy).

Herbal Medicine

  • Black Cohorsh
  • Angelica Sinensis 
  • Wild Yam
  • Red Clover 
  • Vitex
  • Maca 
  • Motherwort
  • St John’s Wort
  • Chamomile

Herbal Support

  • Herbs to enhance aromatisation (white peony)
  • Herbs to (boost collagen production and focus) Gotu Kola
  • Herbs to reduce hot flushes (Maca, sage)
  • Herbs rich in phyto estrogens (Red clover, vitex, black cohorsh)
  • Herbs that support estrogen production in the body by adrenals (kidney tonics – glyc, rehm)
  • Herbs to boost energy (Siberian ginseng, rhodiola)
  • Herbs to calm nervous system (motherwort, oat straw, skullcap)
  • Herbs to prevent cognitive decline (ginkgo)

Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.

Sudden rushes of heat and sweating are often accompanied by increased heart rate, chills, shivering, clamminess, anxiety, feelings of nausea, a “head-ache”-like sensation, visible reddening and blotching of the face and neck, an increase in core body temperature, increased metabolism, and interrupted sleep. Women report a minimum of seven hot flashes per day, or at least 50 hot flashes a week. Symptoms generally wane five to seven years post menopause, but can persist in some women for over 20 years; with median symptom duration of approximately four years. 2

Bone Density Loss

Estrogen protects women from osteoporosis by regulating bone metabolism. Osteroporosis is characterized by a progressive loss of bone tissue and is associated with low bone mass, compromised microarchitecture of the bone, and increased risk of fractures.

What else can be done?

- Homeopathy


- Acupuncture

- Reflexology

- Hypnosis

Which our Resident Expert Aranxta De Dios will be discussing at our upcoming Natural Management of Menopause Workshop on 19th October. Hypnosis is a mind-body intervention that has consistently shown to have a clinically significant effect on reducing hot flushes. The clinical hypnosis intervention consisted of hypnotic inductions and instruction in the practice of self-hypnosis towards the therapeutic goals of the reduction of hot flushes and improved sleep. In each 45-minute session, participants were provided specific suggestions for mental imagery for coolness, safe place imagery, and relaxation (individualized based on patient preference). At 12 week follow-up, the hypnosis intervention resulted in a 56.86% reduction in physiologically monitored hot flushes. 

- A positive Lifestyle

Researchers found that the wellbeing of postmenopausal women was related to exercising moderately, having a positive attitude to menopause and feeling happy. Exercising, even once a week, was associated with fewer symptoms, as were positive relationships and friendships.

Menopause highlights everything you haven’t had time to deal with in your younger years. When we are young our vitality allows us to manage various imbalances without significant complications. But when menopause hits everything that is unresolved get caught into spotlight.



EMAIL: [email protected]

CALL: 020 3301 1012


Author: Jenya Di Pierro

Founder, Naturopath & Herbal Medicine Practitioner



Complementary Medicine for meno

Hot Flashes and Hypnosis

Estrogen and collagen connection

Gotu Kola

Estrogen during ageing

Menopausal symptoms

Herbs for menopause

Menopause Support Tincture

Menopause Tincture

This tincture contains phytoestrogenic herbs that have been used for the treatment of menopause-related hot flashes, night sweats, decrease in bone density and heart disease. It also includes herbs that reduce anxiety, improve memory and concentration and boost mood.

Ingredients: Maca, Sage, Red Clover, Black Cohorsh, Rehmannia, Motherwort, White Peony, Wild Yam.

Email [email protected] for more information. 

100ml: £25

250ml: £45

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Diet for Menopause

Menopause diet

Diet has a direct influence on well-being post menopause and contributes to marked differences in menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, anxiety, loss of skin elasticity, weight gain) and health risks (osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease). 

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Menopause Support Herbal Tea

Menopause Support - Herbal Tea

This herbal tea contains phytoestrogenic herbs that have been used for the treatment of menopause-related hot flashes, night sweats, decrease in bone density and heart disease. It also includes herbs that reduce anxiety, improve memory and concentration and boost mood.

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