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Heal Hormone Imbalance: Herbal Glamping Resort Ljubno

Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Slovenian mountains, to the tranquil serenity of the Herbal Glamping Resort Ljubno...

Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Slovenian mountains, Olesya Malyeri’s glamping retreat allow you to reconnect with nature, balance hormone health and escape the busy bustle of daily life to the tranquil serenity of the Herbal Glamping Resort Ljubno.

The Importance of Hormone Health

The female body is governed by fluctuations in our hormonal equilibrium which can feel difficult to navigate and control when unavoidable aspects of modern life like prolonged stress and environmental change can throw things out of balance.

Hormones regulate many different processes in the body, including appetite, metabolism, sleep cycles, reproductive cycles, libido, body temperature and mood, so it is therefore vital that we prioritise hormonal balance to keep our bodies functioning at their optimum. Hormone rebalancing retreats like Olesya Malyeri’s Slovenian mountain retreat at the Herbal Glamping Resort Ljubno are then the perfect antidote to the toll life as a busy woman can take.

About Olesya Malyeri

Oleysya is a qualified naturopathic nutritionist who specialises in personalised nutrition and nutrigenomics. Having spent years researching and curating the perfect herbal retreats which focus on regaining hormone health. Providing an alternative to hormone therapies and medications, Olesya Malyeri offers the necessary treatment for energy depletion and hormone imbalance.

The Magic of Ljubno

The retreats take place close to the small town of Ljubno, widely known amongst the wellness community for its high-energy points and beautiful landscapes which provide life-changing healing experiences. Ljubno’s high-energy points have long been celebrated for their transformative properties which allow you to restore and rebalance women’s health (which is so connected to nature) and to heal and revitalise your mind, body and spirit.

4- Day Herbal Glamping Retreat

From sleeping in wooden lodges in the serene location which permits wild lake swimming (and cold exposure to tone the vagus nerve) to mountain hiking where you can visit secret energy points with high frequency positive electromagnetic fields, it offers a unique step into nature’s embrace.

Take a moment’s pause during a daily outdoor yoga session where you can hear the sounds of nature sing, or take part in life-changing breath and body work using the AEQ method, proven to permanently resolve chronic pain and other stress-related conditions like anxiety disorders.

If that’s not enough, the retreat offers unlimited spa and sauna use as well as a delicious menu of organic, nutritionally balanced meals which aim to restore your digestive and liver functions.

The next retreat will take place at the end of September 2023 (21-24th September).

Tags: Hormonal Health, Wellness, Holiday Health, Nutrition, Natural Medicine, | Author:

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